(205) 444-7800 Mon - Thu 9-9, Fri 9-6, Sat 10-6, Sun 1-5
Learn about E-Cigarettes, Vaping and ways products are disguised
The UAB Lung Health center offers an informal presentation on the Alabama Dept. of Public Health's resources for parents, caregivers, and teachers who would like to understand the dangers of smoking and vaping and the impact on children. Many of these products are deceptively targeted and marketed to youth and can be tricky to spot. Resources for those who would like help quitting will also be discussed by the Lung Health Center from UAB. For more information, visit https://www.alabamapublichealth.gov/tobacco/index.html
Located in Hoover, Alabama, at 200 Municipal Drive, the Hoover Public Library has been operating since 1983. The Hoover Public Library seeks to reinvent the way communities view libraries. As the heart and soul of the Hoover community, we are more than just a library. We’re the place you come to meet your friends, experience live theater, peruse art, listen to music, entertain your children, learn about new technology, seek job searching assistance, explore your interests, find good book recommendations and much, much more. We seek to grow our patronage by offering an unparalleled customer experience.