(205) 444-7800 Mon - Thu 9-9, Fri 9-6, Sat 10-6, Sun 1-5
Presented by Samford University and Hoover Library
9:30 - 10:30 AM The Library Theatre
Welcome and Keynote Address
Dr. Shannon Gilstrap; Samford University
Rest & Resilience: How Sleep Shapes Your Pain, Stress and Well-Being
10:30 AM - 12 PM Theatre Level
Concurrent Sessions, 20 minutes each
Group Dynamics & Gender Differences
Peer Relationships & Mental Health
Cognitive Dissonance & Decision Making
Psychology Parenting
Impact of Child Exploitation on Social Media
Impact of Socal Media on Mental Health
Understanding Play Thearapy
Psychology of Music in Film Scores
Psychology of Motivation
Psychology of Spiritual Habits in Athletic Performance
Choke Points & Pitfalls of Effective Studying
Updates from the College Board (Teachers Only)
Noon - 12:30 PM
Lunch for $12 per student
Teachers meeting (Theatre Conference Room)
12:30 - 1:30 PM Theatre Level
Activity Fair Get a sticker for every activity and win
prizes! See inside passport for available activities.
1:30 - 2:30 PM The Library Theatre
Kahoot! Contest with Dr. Fineburg
Prize drawings from completed passports
Located in Hoover, Alabama, at 200 Municipal Drive, the Hoover Public Library has been operating since 1983. The Hoover Public Library seeks to reinvent the way communities view libraries. As the heart and soul of the Hoover community, we are more than just a library. We’re the place you come to meet your friends, experience live theater, peruse art, listen to music, entertain your children, learn about new technology, seek job searching assistance, explore your interests, find good book recommendations and much, much more. We seek to grow our patronage by offering an unparalleled customer experience.