(205) 444-7800 Mon - Thu 9-9, Fri 9-6, Sat 10-6, Sun 1-5
Fundraiser Sponsored by the Friends of the Hoover Library
"Just what kind of music do you play?"
It's a great question. Norton likes to say that we're a vocal string band who happens to own bluegrass instruments. Truth be told, bluegrass bands do not usually have pianos, clarinets, accordions, strum sticks or many other such crazy instruments that the Dill Pickers use in their wide variety of music and frivolity.
"Coming from our combined theatrical backgrounds it just makes sense to us to entertain instead of just singing and playing."
Couldn't have said it better myself.
So, don't let the banjo and fiddle fool you. The Dill Pickers will flat out entertain you and you'll leave with a smile on your face.
To purchase tickets visit thelibrarytheatre.com or call the Box Office at 205-444-7888.
Located in Hoover, Alabama, at 200 Municipal Drive, the Hoover Public Library has been operating since 1983. The Hoover Public Library seeks to reinvent the way communities view libraries. As the heart and soul of the Hoover community, we are more than just a library. We’re the place you come to meet your friends, experience live theater, peruse art, listen to music, entertain your children, learn about new technology, seek job searching assistance, explore your interests, find good book recommendations and much, much more. We seek to grow our patronage by offering an unparalleled customer experience.